Color Key

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Sunrise & Sunset

Sunrise and sunset provides a gateway to stunning photographs. The dramatic angled light creates a unique backdrop. But the clouds, not the sun, set the scene. The trick to taking stunning sunrise and sunset photographs is having the right balance—too few and the sky is featureless—too many and the dramatic light disappears.  Factor in the types of clouds (altostratus, altocumulus), the precipitation, and the haze and you've got a pretty complex equation. 

Well, we've done that math for you—layering in all of the above and then some, to output an easy-to-read prediction of what you can expect from the sky. All you need to do is click and snap. (Yes, you'll need to do that part yourself!)


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Today 10/23

Sunrise 7:25AM
Featureless sky, good chance of seeing sunrise, but not very exciting

Featureless sky, good chance of seeing sunrise, but not very exciting

  • CLOUD COVER: The perfect sunrise or sunset needs clouds to show off the spectacular colors ... but not too many, as they can completely block all of the sunlight.
  • CLOUD HEIGHT: The height of the clouds often can determine the type of clouds.  Typically, the middle clouds are the most photogenic.
    Very low
  • TEMPERATURE: Warmer temperatures tend to induce haze, which cause the colors during sunrise/sunset to be subdued.
  • RAINFALL: Getting drenched is not fun nor good for your camera. Rain also subdues the colors during sunrise/sunset. However, if you are lucky, a recent rain, so long as it has moved on, can clean the atmosphere and intensify colors.
Sunset 6:02PM
Overcast, little chance of capturing sunset

Overcast, little chance of capturing sunset

  • CLOUD COVER: The perfect sunrise or sunset needs clouds to show off the spectacular colors ... but not too many, as they can completely block all of the sunlight.
  • CLOUD HEIGHT: The height of the clouds often can determine the type of clouds.  Typically, the middle clouds are the most photogenic.
    Very low
  • TEMPERATURE: Warmer temperatures tend to induce haze, which cause the colors during sunrise/sunset to be subdued.
  • RAINFALL: Getting drenched is not fun nor good for your camera. Rain also subdues the colors during sunrise/sunset. However, if you are lucky, a recent rain, so long as it has moved on, can clean the atmosphere and intensify colors.

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